Thursday, January 14, 2010

Feline Diabetes

I found out a few months ago that my cat has diabetes. I switched to a low sugar food (of course that I can only get at the vet), and every two weeks I bring my cat into the vet for a blood glucose curve. So far he's up to 4 units, and I know based on how he's acting that he needs at least 5 or 6 units, if not more. It's been interesting because I've definitely seen the 3 common signs firsthand: polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia. Man, this cat is hungry! He's even started to eat the dog food when his food is gone. And even though he is eating a bunch, he's still losing weight which is common in uncontrolled diabetes. Due to the lack of insulin, the cells aren't able to bring in the nutrients, and even though he's eating, his body is still telling him he's hungry because the cells are starving.

Also, I've got yet another cold sore (HSV1 - oral, not HSV2 - genital). I know my triggers - not enough sleep, caffeine (soda & coffee), wine, decreased immunity - and yet I continue to partake of these beverages. I'm even on a daily valtrex (anti-viral), but if I drink too much caffeine and alcohol, the virus will overpower my body. Luckily the daily anti-viral helps to keep the cold sores small. Plus, the accutane does not make the situation better because it drys out my skin so much that it creates tiny fissures, which I suppose allows the virus to spread to the outside. So I've put on my morning abreva, and will use the Aquaphor since the dermatologist said to keep it moist, and hopefully it will go away soon.

I HATE having a cold sore and going to work. I just feel dirty or contagious, and I'm afraid that my patients will judge me or think I am less competent because of this sore on my mouth. I am so good about not touching it and washing my hands a lot though. I get these because my mom kissed me as a child when she had one - *sigh*, life's not fair. But then I remember that this is only temporary, I've survived these before, and things definitely could be a lot worse because I've seen "worse" and "unfair" at work.

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